[Mayan EDMS: 2578] 3.0.1 defaults to SQlite, why? using docker-compose.yml
Lin Pro
2018-07-13 00:57:10 UTC
Mayan 3.0.1 installed via docker-compose.yml. No changes to the file.
After login it shows that we are using SQlite.

docker-compose.yml showing:

MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgres

Is this correct? Other files, like stack.yml is showing:
MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgresql

So the difference is postgresql and postgres
Is it a typo?

I tried both but to no avail.
Mayan 3.0.1 is informing me that:
Warning Your database backend is set to use SQLite. SQLite should only be used for development and testing, not for production.

How to change into postgres?

[***@localhost docker]# docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
mayan-edms-app entrypoint.sh mayan Up>8000/tcp
mayan-edms-broker docker-entrypoint.sh rabbi ... Up (healthy) 25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp
mayan-edms-db docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up (healthy) 5432/tcp
mayan-edms-results docker-entrypoint.sh redis ... Up (healthy) 6379/tcp

[***@localhost docker]# docker-compose images
Container Repository Tag Image Id Size
mayan-edms-app mayanedms/mayanedms latest 4d01ee1fd5b1 1.17 GB
mayan-edms-broker healthcheck/rabbitmq latest 186def7c628e 119 MB
mayan-edms-db healthcheck/postgres latest 4d504bbed078 225 MB
mayan-edms-results healthcheck/redis latest d99d78b8980f 79.5 MB

Thanks for any info
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Roberto Rosario
2018-07-13 01:01:32 UTC
The variable name is now MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE.
Post by Lin Pro
Mayan 3.0.1 installed via docker-compose.yml. No changes to the file.
After login it shows that we are using SQlite.
MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgres
MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgresql
So the difference is postgresql and postgres
Is it a typo?
I tried both but to no avail.
Warning Your database backend is set to use SQLite. SQLite should only be
used for development and testing, not for production.
How to change into postgres?
Name Command State
mayan-edms-app entrypoint.sh mayan Up>8000/tcp
mayan-edms-broker docker-entrypoint.sh rabbi ... Up (healthy)
25672/tcp, 4369/tcp, 5671/tcp, 5672/tcp
mayan-edms-db docker-entrypoint.sh postgres Up (healthy)
mayan-edms-results docker-entrypoint.sh redis ... Up (healthy)
Container Repository Tag Image Id Size
mayan-edms-app mayanedms/mayanedms latest 4d01ee1fd5b1 1.17 GB
mayan-edms-broker healthcheck/rabbitmq latest 186def7c628e 119 MB
mayan-edms-db healthcheck/postgres latest 4d504bbed078 225 MB
mayan-edms-results healthcheck/redis latest d99d78b8980f 79.5 MB
Thanks for any info
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Lin Pro
2018-07-13 01:29:49 UTC
The following helped:

First issue command:
# docker-compose down

# nano docker-compose.yml and change
- MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgres
+ MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE: django.db.backends.postgresql

#docker-compose up -d

It works if set that way.

If one leaves django.db.backends.postgres an error will show up:
mayan-edms-app | django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: 'django.db.backends.postgres' isn't an available database backend.
mayan-edms-app | Try using 'django.db.backends.XXX', where XXX is one of:
mayan-edms-app | 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'sqlite3'
mayan-edms-app | Error was: No module named postgres.base

I propose to change the docker-compose.yml accordingly

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Roberto Rosario
2018-07-13 02:03:41 UTC
This was an old issues fixed a while back. Use the full database engine
name: django.db.backends.postgresql and not django.db.backends.postgres
Post by Lin Pro
# docker-compose down
# nano docker-compose.yml and change
- MAYAN_DATABASE_DRIVER: django.db.backends.postgres
+ MAYAN_DATABASE_ENGINE: django.db.backends.postgresql
#docker-compose up -d
It works if set that way.
'django.db.backends.postgres' isn't an available database backend.
mayan-edms-app | 'mysql', 'oracle', 'postgresql', 'sqlite3'
mayan-edms-app | Error was: No module named postgres.base
I propose to change the docker-compose.yml accordingly
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